Monday, December 12, 2011

Chris & Illysia's Reception!

Oh what fun I had shooting this dinner reception and party!
Chris and Illysia are such a wonderful and loving couple.
I enjoyed being in the midst of all the love in the room!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Taylor made!

April and Dexter decided to have a photo session done in order to
present their parents with images of them as part of their Christmas surprise.
This was a great idea and a gift that their parents will not be expecting to be under the tree!

It's a Watkins Christmas!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A day at the park!

There's nothing like spending an evening at the park with my son
when we both get what we want.  I want to shoot nice pics and
he wants to play. It's a win win situation and we're both happy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy 60th Birthday Ms. Mapp!

It's the love of family and friends
that makes growing older

Suave JR

I felt a need to try something different tonight.
Thanks to my baby boy model, I was able to execute those thoughts that were running through my mind.  He's always so willing to strike a pose.  I wonder what's going to happen when he realizes that he is actually working.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My First Wedding!

I had the privilege of being one of the photographers
at this wedding where two of my classmates were
united as one!

Congratulations Marco and Giovanna!